Event Highlight | CUHK and CUHK(SZ) Joint Seminar Series: Online Social Networks: What Can The Data Tell Us?

Webinar 2023 02 17

The tenth episode of CUHK and CUHK(SZ) Joint Seminar Series, "CUHK - ORKTS - CUHK and CUHK(SZ) Joint Seminar Series: Online Social Networks: What Can The Data Tell Us? " was held successfully last Friday (February 17, 2023). The webinar gathered over 70 academic staff and research students from both Hong Kong and Shenzhen campuses for academic exchange and dialogue.

In the webinar, Prof. Jeffrey YU (Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK) shared his latest exploration of research issues on Online Social Networks from graph algorithm perspectives. During the Q&A and interaction session co-chaired by Prof SHAM Mai Har (Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President (Research), CUHK) and Prof. FANG Yixiang (Associate Professor, School of Data Science, CUHK(SZ)), both professors and audience shared their insights into on online social networks. The seminar ended with a closing remark given by Prof. FANG. Thank you for all your participation, and stay tuned for our next episode of Joint Seminar Series.

To rewatch the recorded video of the webinar, please click here.