17 Feb 2023 04:00pm - 05:00pm

CUHK and CUHK(SZ) Joint Seminar Series: Online Social Networks: What Can The Data Tell Us?

Event Date: 17 Feb 2023 04:00pm - 05:00pm

Type: Seminar 

Organizer: Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services

Coordinator: InnoPort

Date: February 17, 2023 (Friday)
Time: 4 – 5pm
Mode: Zoom
Medium: English
Registration: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13662586 (Zoom link will be sent upon confirmation)


Prof. Jeffrey, Yu-xu
Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK

Prof. Jeffrey YU-xu has been working on graph algorithms, graph processing systems, and database systems over decades. He also served/ serves in many organization committees and program committees in international conferences including PC Co-chair of APWeb'04, WAIM'06, APWeb/WAIM'07, WISE'09, PAKDD'10, DASFAA'11, ICDM'12, NDBC'13, ADMA'14, CIKM'15, Bigcomp17, DSAA'19, CIKM'19, and DASFAA'20, and conference general Co-chair of APWeb'13, ICDM'18, and ADC'22.

Topic: Online Social Networks: What Can The Data Tell Us?
With rapid growth of WWW, it offers a great opportunity to study massive social networks online such as Facebook and Twitter that cannot be possibly studied in the past. In this talk, we discuss some research topics on online social networks from graph algorithm perspectives.


Prof. SHAM Mai Har
Vice-President (Research), CUHK


Prof. FANG Yixiang
Associate Professor (School of Data Science), CUHK (Shenzhen)