Event Highlight | Workshop on Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) 2024/25 (14 Nov 2023)

WhatsApp Image 2023 11 22 at 10.56.13 AM 
WhatsApp Image 2023 11 22 at 10.56.13 AM



The Workshop on Research Grants Council (RGC) Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) was successfully held on 14 Nov 2023 at InnoPort. Past Awardees Professor Patrick WONG, Associate Vice-President (Research) and Professor John LAI, from Faculty of Arts, provided an overview of the Fellowship, tips for success, as well as introduction of an internal support programme to participants. The workshop ended with interactive Q&A session. Thank you all for joining!

Video-recording of the workshop and Call for Applications are now available.

Further information:

Video and PPTs

Call for Applications

Internal deadline: 12:00 noon, 11 December 2023 (Wednesday)