Event Highlight | S-KPF 2023-24 Information Session cum Talk: Venturing Your Impact Projects: Key Considerations in Transforming Projects into Social Enterprises (19 Oct 2023)

The Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (S-KPF) information session titled "Venturing Your Impact Projects: Key Considerations in Transforming Projects into Social Enterprises," led by Mark Cheng, was a highly informative event that delved into the process of transforming projects into successful social enterprises.

Mr Cheng, a renowned expert in the social innovation and finance, shared his expertise and provided valuable insights on the key considerations involved in venturing impact projects. Participants gained a deep understanding of important aspects such as business models and financial sustainability, which are critical for creating sustainable social enterprises.

Furthermore, during the session, an exciting announcement was made — the launch of the online course titled "Foundations of Social Business," which will further equip the CUHK community with essential knowledge and skills in this area.

If you are interested in learning more about venture your impact projects and the S-KPF funding scheme, feel free to watch the recording here.

For more information about S-KPF scheme, please click here to find out more.