Event Highlight | NVLT matching session – 19th Round PI Teams

Legal Series 1 Structuring Founder Relationships Founder Agreement 01NVLT matching session – 19th Round PI Teams & NVLT members(Photo: VA Team, ORKTS)
On Jul 21, 2023 (Fri), CUHK PI Centre and New Ventures Legal Team (NVLT) co-hosted the matching session for the 19th round PI teams. Each PI team shared their startup idea and the legal concerns with NVLT members during the matching session. ????????
Our PI teams will work closely with assigned NVLT member by seeking their advice on legal matters to fine-tune their start-ups in this year.
????More about NVLT:
???? Setup by Faculty of Law of CUHK in 2014
???? Comprises LLB, JD and PCLL students from CUHK with the supervision of Prof. Dicky Tsang and Prof. Jyh-An Lee, Faculty of Law, CUHK
???? Provide new ventures with legal knowledge and host legal series workshop

Legal Series 1 Structuring Founder Relationships Founder Agreement 02

NVLT matching session (Photo: VA Team, ORKTS)

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NVLT matching session (Photo: VA Team, ORKTS)

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NVLT matching session (Photo: VA Team, ORKTS)


NVLT matching session (Photo: VA Team, ORKTS)