Event Highlight | BIOHK 2022 (14-17 DEC 2022)


An international convention organized by HKBIO to introduce novel state-of-the-art biotech innovations from around the globe, with the purpose of providing an extensive platform to allow pioneers of the biotech industry to convene. From infectious diseases like COVID-19, to the latest cancer treatments and diagnostics to big data analytics, BIOHK2022 is an unparalleled event covering the most relevant and timely topics in biotechnology.



Opening Ceremony with the Guests of Honour including, Dr. YU Guo Liang (Co-president, BIOHK2022; left), Ms Starry LEE Wai-king, SBS, JP (Legislative Council Members of the HKSAR; third left), Prof. Albert YU Cheung-hoi (Co-president, BIOHK2022; fourth left), The Honourable Mr Leung Chun-ying, GBM GBS JP (Vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, fourth right), Prof SUN Dong, JP (Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the HKSAR Government; third right), Mr Kennedy Wong (Legislative Council Members of the HKSAR; second right) (Photo: ORKTS)


Opening remarks from Prof. Albert YU Cheung-hoi, Co-president, BIOHK2022. (Photo: ORKTS)


Welcoming remark from Ms Starry LEE Wai-king, SBS, JP, Legislative Council Members of the HKSAR. (Photo: ORKTS)


Welcoming speech from Prof SUN Dong, JP, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the HKSAR Government (Photo: ORKTS)


VIP tour at CUHK booth. Picture of Prof Benny Zee (Director, ORKTS; left) and Prof SUN Dong, JP (Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry of the HKSAR Government; right) (Photo: ORKTS)


Distinguished lecture by Prof Dennis LO, Associate Dean of Faculty of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Photo: ORKTS)


Roundtable discussion from university knowledge transfer office’s representatives, including (left to right) Prof Benny ZEE (Director, ORKTS, CUHK), Prof Johnny HO (Director, KTO, CityU), Dr Tiffany Ying (Assistant Director, KEO, HKU), Mr Kelvin WONG (Interim Director, KTEO, PolyU), and Dr Alex Kwong (Head (Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship Support), OKT, HKUST) (Photo: ORKTS)


Participation from GenieBiome, a TSSSU company at CUHK. (Photo: ORKTS).


Onsite Project Pitching by our CUHK start-up representative, Mr Charles Liu (CEO, MicroMag Healthcare Limited) (Photo: ORKTS)


(From left to right) Dr Gene MAN (Knowledge Transfer Event Management Team, ORKTS), Ms Ariel YUEN (Knowledge Transfer Event Management Team, ORKTS), Prof. Benny ZEE (Director, ORKTS), Mr LEUNG Kwok Yiu (Knowledge Transfer Event Management Team, ORKTS) (Photo: ORKTS)

List of Projects

 Project Name

Project Investigator


A First-in-Class Drug Discovery Platform

Prof YANG Xiao

Department of Microbiology

An Easy-to-Use, Rapid and Fully Automated Pathogen Detection Platform


Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering

Label-free Live-cell Imaging and Analysis

Prof ZHOU Renjie

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Privacypro Medical Technology

Prof CHEN Weitian

Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology