Event Highlight | 7th Golden Age Expo 2022 (05-07 August)


Golden Age expo_2022In support of CUHK’s mission to promote and facilitate knowledge transfer activities led by CUHK members, ORKTS has invited a few elderly-focused teams led by our professors and outstanding students to participate in the 7th Golden Age Expo and Summit 2022 as exhibitors in order to showcase their projects/social ventures for public engagement and strengthen their networks with the industry practitioners as well as leading corporate partners. 

The event was attended by over 13,000 visitors, including policymakers, leading corporations, NGOs and the general public.

CUHK booth was strategically located right next to the entrance of the exhibition hall, attracting high foot traffic and media exposure. A special VIP tour has been arranged for senior government officials including Ms Winnie Ho Wing-yin (Secretary for Housing), Dr Lam Ching-choi (non-official member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong ), and Mr Chris Sun (Secretary for Labour and Welfare). In addition, CUHK professors were invited to present their projects in a featured seminar, resulting in more interest and opportunities for public engagement and knowledge dissemination, as well as potential collaboration opportunities.

InnoCarnival 2021

(Left to right) Ms Winnie Ho Wing-yin (Secretary for Housing), Dr Lam Ching-choi (non-official member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong), Mr Chris Sun (Secretary for Labour and Welfare), Prof Kelvin Tsoi (CUHK)

InnoCarnival 2021

(Left to right) Ms Rebecca Yung (Chairman of Golden Age Foundation), Dr LI Kwok-tung, Donald, SBS, JP (Chairman of the Elderly Commission), Mr Chris Sun (Secretary for Labour and Welfare), Dr Lam Ching-choi (non-official member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong), Dr Stephen Wong (Senior Vice President & Executive Director of Public Policy Institute, Our Hong Kong Foundation)

InnoCarnival 2021

(Left to right) Ms Cecilia Lam (SRSDO), Mr Laurie Pearcey (AVP), Prof Mo Ka Him (ARC), Ms Irene Ng (I.CARE), Ms Rina Ko (IoA)

InnoCarnival 2021

(Left to right)  Smart Ageing Zone keynote speech on 6th August.  Topic:  We are connecting with the community. Prof Mo Kar Him (ARC), Prof Kelvin Tsoi (MED), Prof Benny Zee (ORKTS), Prof Kathy Lee (MED)