Developing teleassessment for trilingual children in Hong Kong: Augmented Reality enhanced intervention
Prof Virginia YIP
Developing teleassessment for trilingual children in Hong Kong: Augmented Reality enhanced intervention
Prof Virginia YIP
Many children, often from low-income, less privileged families, have difficulty learning language. These children commonly have limited or insufficient language input, which can cause issues of language delay. Language delay or other learning difficulties are often difficult to identify at an early stage. In addition, with so many choices of reading materials on the market to choose from, it is very difficult for parents to select the most appropriate books for their children to read and learn from. The problem is compounded by restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with children and parents unable to access their school’s resources. In this age of remote education, how can we help these children get back on track in their language learning?
Firstly, the team will develop a set of teleassessments (performing remote assessment in real time over video conferencing platforms) for kindergarten children with a focus on vocabulary and grammar in Cantonese, English and Mandarin, as well as cognitive ability. Secondly, Augmented Reality (AR)-enhanced reading materials and a reading depository will be tailor-made for an intervention program especially for children identified as at-risk with language delay and difficulty in language learning among those from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds with limited resources. These AR-enhanced and levelled reading materials will stimulate children’s interest in reading and increase their exposure to high-quality English and Mandarin input, thus boosting their vocabulary, listening, and speaking skills.
From child language assessment to feedback sessions directly with parents and principals, along with a reading depository and the innovative level-appropriate AR-enhanced reading materials, this project will identify at-risk children with language delay and difficulty in learning (especially those from less privileged families) as early as possible, and provide intervention in order to reduce inequalities.
- Kindergarteners and their parents
- Teachers and principals
Education, Well-being