Project/Company Name

Illuminatio Medical Technology Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Illuminatio Medical Technology Limited (IMT), based in Hong Kong, is an early-stage start-up company focusing on diagnostic medical imaging. The company aims to bring high-quality medical imaging products to the global markets through commercializing the team's research accomplishments at CUHK. Illuminatio Medical Technology Limited(IMT)位於香港,是一家專注於醫學診斷成像的早期創業公司。公司致力於將團隊在香港中文大學的研究成果轉化成商業產品,將高質量的醫學成像技術推向全球市場。
Project/Company Name

Illuminatio Medical Technology Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Illuminatio Medical Technology Limited (IMT), based in Hong Kong, is an early-stage start-up company focusing on diagnostic medical imaging. The company aims to bring high-quality medical imaging products to the global markets through commercializing the team's research accomplishments at CUHK. Illuminatio Medical Technology Limited(IMT)位於香港,是一家專注於醫學診斷成像的早期創業公司。公司致力於將團隊在香港中文大學的研究成果轉化成商業產品,將高質量的醫學成像技術推向全球市場。


Starting Year


Business Area



TSSSU Company