Project/Company Name

HSK GeneTech Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

HSK GeneTech Limited was founded by a group of research scientists led by Prof. Hoi Shan Kwan of School of Life Sciences, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The Company's team of scientists, mostly PhDs, possess one of the territories' best expertise in the field of genomics and high throughput sequencing. The team has over 40 years of research and development experience in microbiology and DNA technology, and over 10 years of experience in providing Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). The Company will expand the service to the general public as paid service. The Company will disrupt the nutrition market by introducing the state-of-the-art gut microbiome analysis for health promotion. The upcoming service and product includes: Using microbiome sequencing technology to develop service for managing health conditions, including i) provide service schemes for adult weight management and children health; ii) Construct Asian gut microbiome-diet database for industry big data analysis and application; and iii) Develop prebiotics and probiotics food products. The Company's aim is to IPO in four years time. With the aid of the TSSSU, the company will have a first step to become a groundbreaking biotech-health management company in Hong Kong. 『海山基因科技』是一間由香港中文大學生命科學院關海山教授為首的科學家們所創立的公司。團隊包括多名博士級科研人才, 曾負責組建並營運香港中文大學『食品研究中心』和『基因組研究的核心設施』等科研實驗室。我們不單在微生物學和基因(DNA)技術具備40多年的研發經驗,還擁有超過10年為大學研究項目,政府機構和私人公司提供下一代測序( NGS) 的服務經驗。我們公司的願景是活用我們豐富的專業知識和科研成果,為普羅大眾提供物有所值的諮詢服務,從而改善大眾的健康水平。 我們採用最先進的DNA測序技術進行腸道微生物組分析,改善大眾的健康水平,從而成為營養市場中的一份子。運用最新的微生物組測序技術,我們將帶來更多的產品及服務: i) 成年人體重管理及兒童健康管理; ii) 亞洲人腸道微生物組數據庫; iii) 益生元和益生菌食品。我們的目標是在四年內公開上市。透過生物科技創業培育計劃,海山基因擁有了一個光明的開始,並將成為一個開創性的生物科技與健康管理公司。
Project/Company Name

HSK GeneTech Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


HSK GeneTech Limited was founded by a group of research scientists led by Prof. Hoi Shan Kwan of School of Life Sciences, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The Company's team of scientists, mostly PhDs, possess one of the territories' best expertise in the field of genomics and high throughput sequencing. The team has over 40 years of research and development experience in microbiology and DNA technology, and over 10 years of experience in providing Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). The Company will expand the service to the general public as paid service. The Company will disrupt the nutrition market by introducing the state-of-the-art gut microbiome analysis for health promotion. The upcoming service and product includes: Using microbiome sequencing technology to develop service for managing health conditions, including i) provide service schemes for adult weight management and children health; ii) Construct Asian gut microbiome-diet database for industry big data analysis and application; and iii) Develop prebiotics and probiotics food products. The Company's aim is to IPO in four years time. With the aid of the TSSSU, the company will have a first step to become a groundbreaking biotech-health management company in Hong Kong. 『海山基因科技』是一間由香港中文大學生命科學院關海山教授為首的科學家們所創立的公司。團隊包括多名博士級科研人才, 曾負責組建並營運香港中文大學『食品研究中心』和『基因組研究的核心設施』等科研實驗室。我們不單在微生物學和基因(DNA)技術具備40多年的研發經驗,還擁有超過10年為大學研究項目,政府機構和私人公司提供下一代測序( NGS) 的服務經驗。我們公司的願景是活用我們豐富的專業知識和科研成果,為普羅大眾提供物有所值的諮詢服務,從而改善大眾的健康水平。 我們採用最先進的DNA測序技術進行腸道微生物組分析,改善大眾的健康水平,從而成為營養市場中的一份子。運用最新的微生物組測序技術,我們將帶來更多的產品及服務: i) 成年人體重管理及兒童健康管理; ii) 亞洲人腸道微生物組數據庫; iii) 益生元和益生菌食品。我們的目標是在四年內公開上市。透過生物科技創業培育計劃,海山基因擁有了一個光明的開始,並將成為一個開創性的生物科技與健康管理公司。




Starting Year


Business Area



TSSSU Company