Project/Company Name

Beth Bioinformatics Company Limited

Project Leader

Prof. Maggie Haitian Wang

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Beth Bioinformatics Co., Ltd is a biotech company that develops AI-assisted vaccine antigen design and accurate complex disease risk prediction technologies. In the area of vaccine development, our technology can be applied to influenza virus and design better antigens that could improve seasonal influenza vaccines' effectiveness by 20-40%. Region-specific designs could be made to further improve effectiveness. Our company could also accurately estimate vaccine effectiveness in-silico before vaccination. The technology is transferrable to other viruses and we are currently researching on the COVID-19 virus. We also developed the APP “vaccine4u” to make vaccination appointment simpler and easier for citizens. In the area of human diseases, we developed accurate risk prediction for complex diseases using human genome data sequenced from peripheral blood or saliva samples. Diseases currently being developed include Alzheimer's disease and Schizophrenia. Paired along with 3rd generation sequencing, we hope to provide a quick and reliable method for primary care, direct-to-customer genetic testing companies and insurance companies to identify disease risk early in wide-range screening setting. 貝思生物科技有限公司結合生物資訊學和病毒學,成功研發出對流感病毒變異形態的預測模型。本公司可以進行流感疫苗抗原的設計與優化,並針對不同地區的流行病毒,製作地區性的疫苗抗原設計,預計可以提高現有流感疫苗的有效性多達20-40%。我們也在積極開發針對新型冠狀病毒的變異形態的模型,對病毒靶點進行篩選和評估。同時我們亦有營運vaccine4u手機程式,讓市民能更方便快捷地預約疫苗接種。 另外,本公司亦可以透過分析客戶的基因數據,比現有方法更準確地評估複雜性疾病風險,例如阿玆海默症與思覺失調症。加上第三代基因測序科技,我們可以為基因測序公司、醫療機構、保險公司等提供大規模、迅速並可靠的複雜性疾病風險篩查,使客戶能及時採取預防措施。
Project/Company Name

Beth Bioinformatics Company Limited

Project Leader

Prof. Maggie Haitian Wang

Source of Funding/Programme


Beth Bioinformatics Co., Ltd is a biotech company that develops AI-assisted vaccine antigen design and accurate complex disease risk prediction technologies. In the area of vaccine development, our technology can be applied to influenza virus and design better antigens that could improve seasonal influenza vaccines' effectiveness by 20-40%. Region-specific designs could be made to further improve effectiveness. Our company could also accurately estimate vaccine effectiveness in-silico before vaccination. The technology is transferrable to other viruses and we are currently researching on the COVID-19 virus. We also developed the APP “vaccine4u” to make vaccination appointment simpler and easier for citizens. In the area of human diseases, we developed accurate risk prediction for complex diseases using human genome data sequenced from peripheral blood or saliva samples. Diseases currently being developed include Alzheimer's disease and Schizophrenia. Paired along with 3rd generation sequencing, we hope to provide a quick and reliable method for primary care, direct-to-customer genetic testing companies and insurance companies to identify disease risk early in wide-range screening setting. 貝思生物科技有限公司結合生物資訊學和病毒學,成功研發出對流感病毒變異形態的預測模型。本公司可以進行流感疫苗抗原的設計與優化,並針對不同地區的流行病毒,製作地區性的疫苗抗原設計,預計可以提高現有流感疫苗的有效性多達20-40%。我們也在積極開發針對新型冠狀病毒的變異形態的模型,對病毒靶點進行篩選和評估。同時我們亦有營運vaccine4u手機程式,讓市民能更方便快捷地預約疫苗接種。 另外,本公司亦可以透過分析客戶的基因數據,比現有方法更準確地評估複雜性疾病風險,例如阿玆海默症與思覺失調症。加上第三代基因測序科技,我們可以為基因測序公司、醫療機構、保險公司等提供大規模、迅速並可靠的複雜性疾病風險篩查,使客戶能及時採取預防措施。




beth bioinformatics company limited

Starting Year


Business Area



TSSSU Company