03 Nov 2022 11:00am - 12:00pm

CUHK(SZ) Seminar: 全球新冠疫情趨勢與中國的公共衞生體系建設

Event Date: 03 Nov 2022 11:00am - 12:00pm

Type: Seminar 

Organizer: Others  - CUHK(SZ)

Coordinator: InnoPort

Organized by CUHK(SZ) School of Medicine. In this online seminar, Dr. Lu Hongzhou, the President of Shenzhen Third People's Hospital, will discuss the big topic of the public health system in China and the global pandemic situation. It will be held on 3 Nov 2022 (Thursday). 

Do mark your calendar and dial in then if you are interested. 

Date: Nov 3, 2022 (Thursday)
Time: from 11:00 a.m.
Mode: Zoom (ID: 490 016 4272 | Passcode: CUHKSZ)

How to join?
Pre-registration is NOT required. Just dial in with the above zoom ID and Passcode 5 minutes before the start.