25 Oct 2021 10:30pm - 11:30pm

AI Technology and Career Opportunities

Event Date: 25 Oct 2021 10:30pm - 11:30pm

Type: Seminar 



Curious about the AI industry and what opportunities there are? Come along to this event to learn more from the experts and practitioners themselves!

Content Focus:
• Introduction of speakers and HKAI Lab 
• Introduction of Regtics
• Introduction of Algogene
• Introduction of HKAI Lab 
• Q&A and wrap-up 

Date: 25 Oct 2021 (Mon)
Time: 14:30 - 15:30
Timothy Leung, Executive Director of HKAI Lab
Wallace Chow, Fraud and Compliance Director of Regtics Limited
Tony Lam, Founder & CEO of Algogene Financial Technology Company Limited
Format: Online (via ZOOM)
Language: English

Register NOW!

AI Technology and Career Opportunities 2021 PI Centre