05 Oct 2021 03:00pm - 04:00pm

TSSSU 2022-23 Information Session

Event Date: 05 Oct 2021 03:00pm - 04:00pm


Organizer: Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services


TSSSU 2022-23 Information Session

Date: 5 Oct 2021 (Tuesday)

Time: 3-4pm

Format: Online via Zoom

Register Now!

Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU Fund) 2022-23

TSSSU aims to support CUHK professors, students and alumni to turn their research output into a real business. With the TSSSU funding and dedicated support by ORKTS, CUHK members can focus more on the commercialization of technology and innovation of the University.

The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of the Hong Kong SAR Government has set up Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU) to encourage students, professors, and alumni from six local universities, including CUHK, to start their own technology companies to commercialize R&D results.

Successful applicants may receive

  • Up to HK$700,000 funding per year in 2022-23 for potentially up to three years
  • Potential to join HKSTP’s Incubation Programme
  • Access to potential investors & industry partners
  • Mentorship from experienced entrepreneurship consultant
  • PILOTS+ startup programme

Eligibility of Person-in-Charge (PIC)

  • Current Full-time Students (either UG or PG) or
  • Current Full-time Professors or
  • Alumni graduated within the last 36 months, unless the alumni is an awardee of the last round of TSSSU

Compulsory requirements

  • The technology involved in the application must be CUHK-related and with Intellectual Property (IP) owned by CUHK. If the technology has not yet filed IP under CUHK at the time of application, an Invention Disclosure Form or a Copyright Disclosure Form and Assignment must be submitted to ORKTS IP and Technology Licensing Team before the application deadline. For enquiries related to the completion of Copyright Disclosure Form, please contact ORKTS IP and Technology Licensing Team (Ms. Alison SIU at 3943 0635/ alisonsiu@cuhk.edu.hk or Ms. Fei Fei MIU at 3943 9398/ miufeifei@cuhk.edu.hk)
  • The technology involved in the application must reach the required Technology Readiness Level (TRL). Physical Science and Engineering technology must reach TRL 4 or above and HealthCare technology must reach TRL 3 or above*.
  • The number of members of the Company must be at least two including the eligible applicant. Active members of CUHK should be the effective majority of shareholders of the Company.
  • The TSSSU funding will be provided to a startup company registered under the Companies Ordinance for no more than 24 months before the cut-off date 1 February 2022.
  • All the eligibility requirements included in the CUHK TSSSU Guideline 2022-23

* IPI Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Reference Table (PDF)

Application Deadline: 12 Nov 2021 (Fri), 5pm*

More details: https://bit.ly/CUHKTSSSU